Citizen Honors Awardee
Aaron Epstein, M.D.
2022|Service Act Award|Buffalo, NY
Medal of Honor Recipients selected Aaron Epstein, M.D., of Buffalo, New York as the 2022 Citizen Honors Award for Service Honoree for his commitment to providing medical relief to communities in conflict zones, austere environments, and disaster areas around the world.
Motivated by the ongoing crisis with ISIS, Dr. Epstein created the Global Surgical Medical Support Group (GSMSG) in 2015 to provide high quality care to victims in Iraq. What started as small teams of physicians has since expanded to an organization made up of more than1,000 leading US licensed medical experts, covering every medical and surgical subspecialty, from medical institutions around the world as well as US Special Operations veterans. This unique combination of medical expertise and the ability to operate in austere settings allows GSMSG to rapidly bring unparalleled services to some of the harshest environments and serve populations in dire need. Dr. Epstein’s passion and commitment reflect great credit upon himself, his family, and the United States.