D02 - Middle and High School Defining Citizenship
Students will analyze the meaning of citizenship, make connections to their citizenship within different groups, and more.
Below, you will find middle and high school lesson plans from the Medal of Honor Character Development Program. You can search and sort to find a lesson or download a PDF of all the lessons.
Our interactive middle and high school lesson plans aim to motivate your students to strive for excellence and grow into responsible, engaged citizens. By closely examining the lives of Medal of Honor Recipients and the values they embody, your teenage students will reflect upon their own character and how to positively impact their own local communities. Each lesson module balances direct instruction with thoughtful discussions, hands-on activities, and videos that teach foundational lessons about character through the stories of our nation’s beloved military heroes.
If you’re looking to introduce your 6th - 12th grade students to the Medal of Honor and the Character Development Program, the Foundational Lessons (A1-A11) are a great place to start. From there, the lessons are grouped by value but can each be used independently. If a lesson has a recommended prerequisite, that will be included.
Keep in mind that these middle and high school lesson plans are designed to be flexible. We know that you are the expert in your classroom, so we encourage you to adjust as needed: do only some of the activities, swap out the suggested Recipient Living History, or spread a single lesson out over a week. Some middle and high school teachers build a whole course around the lessons, and others pull lessons to use around Veterans Day. Some schools have fully embraced the program and have it in every classroom, while some teachers use it independently. Find what works for you!