Congressional Medal of Honor Society
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Character Development Program: Lessons Teachers Love
We recently took a look back at our most downloaded lessons of 2023, and it’s no surprise that our introductory lessons top the list.
In the Secondary Resource, our most downloaded lesson was Medal of Honor: What Does It Mean? followed by Selfless Service and Exploring the Six Core Values. These lessons are all part of the section we call Foundational Lessons. These lessons will set a solid base for your students as they build their knowledge about the Medal of Honor and the character values. In the case of the Selfless Service lesson, students are also taking a closer look inward, learning about the people they admire in their own families or the community. If you are starting a new semester, doing this activity can really set the tone for the class. What better way to kick off a new semester than asking students to think about service and personal legacy?
When your middle or high school students are ready to move past the Foundational Lessons and take a deeper dive, our next most popular lessons are Integrity in Decision Making which highlights the story of Medal of Honor Recipient James Fleming and Courage Runs Deep, our newest lesson featuring the stories of Medal of Honor Submariners Eugene Fluckey and Richard O’Kane. Also popular last year was What Makes a Veteran?, a lesson which is a great fit for teachers to use around Veterans Day.
In our Elementary Resources, the most popular lessons are also the ones that lay the groundwork. Introducing the Character Development Program, our most downloaded elementary lesson, offers students in grades K-2 a hands-on lesson about the values, asking them to assemble the words. The next most downloaded lesson was Exploring the Six Core Values (a version of the secondary lesson by the same name) using Citizen Honors Awardee Myles Eckert’s story to ask students in grades 3-6 to connect with the Medal of Honor values.
Check out all these lessons and so many more here. Use our search bar to find the perfect lesson for you and your students.
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