Congressional Medal of Honor Society
Path to Honor
Free History & Values Lessons for Middle & High School Students
Courage. Sacrifice. Patriotism. Citizenship. Integrity. Commitment.
These values can be difficult to define, much less teach to your students with the limited time and resources you have. But they are crucial for character development, social, emotional, and behavioral learning goals, and creating a positive culture in your school.
Path to Honor is a free, interactive platform that allows students to explore these important concepts. Designed to be self-directed or teacher-led, this resource will help you:
- Nurture connections with your students
- Lead students in personal development and character self-exploration
- Supplement civics and U.S. history courses easily and effectively
Use Path to Honor For
Civics & History Classrooms • After-School Programs • Homeschoolers • Students Who Love History

Discover the Path to Honor Modules
Real Heroes. Real Stories. Real Impact.
Designed for middle and high school students to use independently or with teacher guidance, Path to Honor is a flexible and simple tool for implementing character education into everyday learning applications. Through Path to Honor, you’ll encourage self-exploration of the six values embodied in the Medal of Honor: courage, commitment, integrity, sacrifice, citizenship, and patriotism.
How It Works:
- Students visit the site to start—no login required. They will watch a short video about the Medal of Honor and then choose which value path they want to take.
- Each of the six values is explored through three five-minute videos.
- These 18 different stories trace the steps of Medal of Honor Recipients.
- Students hear stories in the Recipients’ own words and share how they would react in the same situation.
- Students then learn how the Recipient responded and reflect on the values demonstrated—making a personal connection with the character value.
- Students can download completion certificates for each activity which will include the name of the lesson completed as well as their answer to the final prompt question for your review.

A New and Engaging Part of the Medal of Honor Character Development Program
Since 1999, the Congressional Medal of Honor Society has recorded the living histories of more than 140 Recipients. Today, these stories form the inspirational core of the Character Development Program and now Path to Honor. More than 19,000 teachers nationwide have been trained to use the Character Development Program, and teachers report that the program leads to student skill improvement in collaboration, critical thinking, and personal reflection, and report that students are more likely to volunteer within the community and make sacrifices for others.
The Congressional Medal of Honor Society created Path to Honor as a standalone resource to complement and enhance the Character Development Program so that students can access rich storytelling content in a short and digestible digital format.

For the Classroom and Beyond
While there are opportunities to use this new platform in the classroom, students can also complete Path to Honor independently. Like the lessons and activities of the Character Development Program, Path to Honor is an ideal tool for homeschool environments, unschooling, after-school programs, Scouts and more. Students passionate about history who are looking for ways to learn more about the stories of military heroes will find the activities engaging as well.
Ready to Learn More?
See how Path to Honor can transform your students’ lives with fundamental character value education.
How do I get started with Path to Honor?
All students have to do is visit the site and begin. They will be prompted to watch a short video about the Medal of Honor, and then from there, they can choose their path.
What kind of device can I use to access Path to Honor?
Any device with Internet access. Computers, tablets, or phones can all be used to access the platform.
How do the activities work?
Students select a value and then select a Medal of Honor Recipient story under that value. Once they begin the lesson, a video about the Recipient will begin. At a crucial moment, the video will pause and the student will be prompted to think about what they would do in the presented circumstance. Students will select what they would do. Then the video will resume so students can see what path the Recipient chose. At the conclusion of the video, students are asked to answer a prompt about the story and the value.
Do the activities go in a specific order?
No, students may complete the activities in whichever order they choose.
Do students have to log in?
No, they can go through the modules without logging in. However, if you do not login, your progress will not be saved after you complete your session.
Will progress be saved?
If students login with Google, their progress will be saved, and they can log back in anytime to complete.
How do my students show me they have completed the activities?
Whether or not they have logged in, students can download their certificates, which will include the name of the lesson completed as well as their answer to the final prompt question for your review.
What should I do if I have an issue?
Contact us at [email protected] with any issues you or your student encounter. If you are having a technical issue, please include details about the type of device and browser you are using along with specifics of what error message you are seeing.