Congressional Medal of Honor Society
Stories of Sacrifice
World War I - Unknown
Unknown Soldier of United States
- Rank:
- Conflict/Era: World War I
- Military Service Branch: Unknown
- Medal of Honor Action Date:
- Medal of Honor Action Place:
By virtue of an act of Congress approved 24 August 1921, the Medal of Honor, emblem of highest ideals and virtues, is bestowed in the name of the Congress of the United States upon the unknown American, typifying the gallantry and intrepidity, at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty, of our beloved heroes who made the supreme sacrifice in the World War. They died in order that others might live. (War Department General Orders, No. 59, 13 Dec. 1921, sec. 1)
Additional Details
- Awarded Posthumously: Yes
- Presentation Date & Details: November 11, 1921
Arlington, Virginia - Arlington National Cemetery, presented by President Harding
- Born:
- Died:
- Buried: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA