Congressional Medal of Honor Society
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The Benefits of End-of-Year Giving
If you’ve come to the end of the year and have started to think about giving, you are not alone. Nearly one third of charitable donations around the world are given in the month of December. For both businesses and individuals, the end of the year is the time to balance out checkbooks with generous gifts for charitable organizations that are planning to do incredible things in the new year. If you desire to make the world a better place, giving at the end of the year can make your donation go further.
The Medal of Honor Foundation is dedicated to education, support, inspiration, reservation and connection. Your continued donations fund initiatives that spread values of courage and integrity while providing needed care for veterans and service members. Your end-of-the-year donations will honor heroes that made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
For Individuals
End-of-year giving is an amazing way to participate in the giving season and to receive the benefits of a generous spirit. The act of giving benefits the individual, not just through monetary and social gain, but through personal growth and mission. Even the smallest amount makes a difference.
Tax Benefits: Many individuals immediately consider the tax benefits of giving to a nonprofit organization. The Medal of Honor Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, meaning that your donation to the Foundation is tax-exempt. These donations directly support the foundation.
Keep an itemized list of every donation that you make throughout the year, regardless of how small. If you do not itemize, you may still qualify to receive a deduction thanks to the extended CARES act.
Employer Matching: If you are working, consider asking your employer if they support a matching program. Many businesses and companies are also looking to give generously this December, and may be open to hearing about your passion for the Medal of Honor Foundation. Matching your donation will double the impact you make and spread awareness for the initiatives at the foundation.
Generous Spirit: Having a generous spirit is good for the body. Humans are wired to feel emotional satisfaction when giving, as it is crucial for our ability to thrive. Giving releases endorphins, which triggers your “helper’s high.” Making continuous giving a habit in your life may overall expand your lifespan.
Regardless of the emotional or psychological benefits, giving for goodness’s sake is a way to uplift within yourself the qualities that the Medal of Honor Recipients display everyday.
For Businesses and Companies
The foundation loves our corporate partners. These annual sponsors display continued dedication to the virtues and sacrifices of Recipients. We partner with businesses and companies of all sizes, and would love to make the values of the foundation a part of your Company’s Christmas tradition.
Gift Match: For the holiday season, consider matching donations made by your employees or your customers to the Medal of Honor Foundation. Studies show that donors are more likely to donate if they know that their donation will be matched, and many donors would not have donated at all if they had not heard about a match program for that cause. Gift matching fosters community and awareness, for both the foundation and your brand.
Corporate Responsibility: Giving during the holiday season is a staple way to strengthen your cause marketing strategy. Customers are looking for companies and organizations that support the causes that they care about. The Medal of Honor Foundation believes in dedication, honesty, and perseverance in the face of uncertainty. Having these virtues in your business practices, as in life, will benefit your organization.
End-of-the-year giving assures that the Medal of Honor Foundation continues to foster initiatives that build, educate, and support. Join the holiday spirit by giving this December.
About the Medal of Honor Foundation
The Medal of Honor Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is dedicated to preserving the legacy of the Medal of Honor and its Recipients, inspiring Americans, and supporting the Recipients as they connect with communities across the country. Chartered by Congress in 1958, its membership consists exclusively of those individuals who have received the Medal of Honor, including 66 living Recipients.
The foundation carries out its mission through outreach, education, and historical preservation programs, including the Medal of Honor Museum, Valor Outreach Program, Character Development Program, and more.