Congressional Medal of Honor Society
Blog Posts
A Look At Our Veterans Outreach Program
The Congressional Medal of Honor Society is proud to support the Recipients and the values of the Medal of Honor through our Outreach and Education initiatives. The Medal of Honor Recipients have gone beyond the call of duty and are still committed to serving our country by championing the values of courage, sacrifice, integrity, commitment, patriotism, and citizenship across the United States.
As part of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society’s Outreach initiatives, the Veterans Outreach Program helps Recipients to form a connection with Veterans and active-duty military members.
About the Program
The Veterans Outreach Program aims to connect and aid with the resiliency and wellness challenges that the Veteran and active-duty military communities face. The program connects Medal of Honor Recipients with organizations who are tackling these issues, both in the public and private sector.
The Medal of Honor Recipients utilize their personal experiences to engage service members through motivation, inspiration, and positivity. Their focus is on providing leadership in addressing a wide variety of topics including mental health, substance abuse, behavioral or physical challenges, and transition into civilian life.
The Program in Action
Recipients have participated in many events such as seminars, forums, professional development sessions, and leadership workshops to aid in Veteran outreach. Depending on the event, they have engaged as speakers, team leaders, and team members to provide camaraderie and inspiration.
Last month, the Veterans Outreach Program partnered with VETLANTA to bring their “Taking an Initiative” virtual summit to the public. VETLANTA is an organization that focuses on Veteran social and business networking along with community service purposes. Their goal is to serve and connect with Atlanta’s Veteran and military community. At their “Taking an Initiative” Summit, Florent Groberg served as their honored keynote speaker, providing insight on his service and the Medal of Honor.
If you would like to contact a Recipient or issue an invitation, please utilize our online form. We will be happy to forward your correspondence.
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