Congressional Medal of Honor Society
Medal of Honor
Character Development Program
Program Overview
The Medal of Honor Character Development Program is a free resource which teaches courage, commitment, integrity, sacrifice, citizenship, and patriotism to students through educationally grounded lessons developed by teachers for teachers. These six values are embodied in the Medal of Honor and exemplified in the actions for which it has been awarded.
Both the elementary and secondary resources of the Character Development Program teach students to recognize and exemplify these values, making them useful as Social Emotional Learning resources, as a classroom management system, or as a tool to create a positive and healthy school culture. These character education lessons feature extraordinary military and civilian stories, providing students with concrete examples to live by. Because the lessons are grounded in cross-curricular academics, most teachers can incorporate them into an existing unit and double the accomplishments in their precious teaching minutes. Built to be flexible, the program is appropriate for public, private, charter, homeschool, and extra-curricular settings.
The entire Medal of Honor Character Development Program is free to educators. The curriculum includes individual and group activities, worksheets and extended activity suggestions, and resources such as Medal of Honor citations, live and archived webinars, and an extensive living history collection.
Get started using this free character curriculum today! Click below for access to our lessons as well as free online and in-person training, webinar broadcasts, and more.

Elementary Lessons
The Medal of Honor Character Development Program Elementary Resource is a free curriculum designed specifically for K-6th grade students, providing access points for younger students to Medal of Honor values at their level. Through contemporary academic curriculum and classic stories of Medal of Honor Recipients and citizen heroes, students learn to show respect for others and in doing so make their schools and communities better places to learn and live.
The elementary resource assignments and activities fit efficiently into existing disciplines, time periods, and schedules.

Secondary Lessons
The Medal of Honor Character Development Program Secondary Resource, designed for 6th-12th grade students, consists of academic lesson plans based on the stories of Medal of Honor Recipients and citizen heroes. These content-rich non-fiction primary sources and engaging narratives differentiate this resource from other character programs. While learning history and practicing a variety of academic skills, participating students also develop values that will benefit them and the communities they live in. The free secondary curriculum can be easily adapted for use in community programs such as scouting and expanded to provide a basis for service projects and leadership development.