Congressional Medal of Honor Society

Medal of Honor Museum Renovation

A Museum for the Extraordinary

The redesigned Medal of Honor Museum will open on May 25, 2024. Learn more about the vision and the renovation journey below, and plan to come see us next year to see the stories of Medal of Honor Recipients brought to life onboard the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum.  We are excited for you to see what’s next.

Update: Developing Exhibits

The exhibits for the new Museum are begin built off-site and will be moved in units onto the Yorktown at Patriots Point. Once in place, each exhibit will be refined and artifacts added. We visited the workshops at Sleet and Working Studio to see the work up close.

The Vision

The Medal of Honor Museum at Patriots Point, operated by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, is undergoing a $3 million transformation. Sponsored by the National Medal of Honor Center for Leadership, this renovation will showcase the stories of our nation’s heroes, Medal of Honor Recipients. The re-imagined space will open to the public on May 25, 2024.

The Museum, located on board the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum in Mount Pleasant, SC, is the national home to the Medal of Honor, the Recipients who wear it, and the values inherent in the Medal – courage, commitment, integrity, sacrifice, citizenship, and patriotism. It was designated by Congress as an official National Medal of Honor Memorial site in 1999 but has been bringing the Recipients’ stories to life since 1994.

This major renovation features inspiring and immersive interactive exhibits for all ages. The design, by M. Catton & Co. of Le Mars, Iowa, encourages physical interaction and personal introspection. It’s only by serving, remembering, supporting, and honoring the sacrifice of the Recipients, by sharing the stories and values inherent in them, we can understand the responsibility and potential within each one of us to inspire the world.

Medal of Honor Museum Mockups

The Process

Demolition is completed on the museum interior, and exhibit mock up samples will be in place soon. Our team is working with our partners to bring the vision to life, and we are looking forward to showing glimpses into the renovation along them way. Be sure to follow us on social media for updates on the process.

Samples of textures are brought into the empty museum space to see how they will look. Like when decorating a home, it’s best to see finishes in their final places before finalizing anything. The photo on the left shows some proposed textures for the future World War II section of the museum. After analyzing how they look, the museum team will adjust the finishes so they look just right.

The vision begins to take shape! Our museum team has been busy building the exhibits off-site. When they are complete, they’ll be moved into the museum space, piece by piece. The photos to the right are a sneak-peak of the walls in the World War II area – before and after the application of realistic texture.

Thank You

The primary funding for this renovation was generously provided by:


Thank you to our partners in this renovation:

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