Congressional Medal of Honor Society

681 Medal of Honor Recipients who have Fallen in Service (KIA, Wounds, Illness)

Many Medal of Honor Recipients have died while in service. Some died during the moment of valor that resulting in the Medal of Honor. Others died later, during combat actions, as prisoners of war, or fell due to wounds or illness. We remember them below.

Ruben Rivers

World War II

1944 - Guebling, France

Charles H. Roan

World War II

1944 - Peleliu Island, Palau Islands

Anund C. Roark

Vietnam War

1968 - Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam

Harold W. Roberts

World War I

1918 - Montrebeau Woods, France

Samuel Robertson

U.S. Civil War

1862 - Georgia, USA

James E. Robinson Jr.

World War II

1945 - near Untergriesheim, Germany

Charles M. Rockefeller

U.S. Civil War

1865 - Fort Blakely, Alabama, USA

Henry Rodenburg

Indian Campaigns

1876 - Cedar Creek, etc., Montana, USA

Robert E. Roeder

World War II

1944 - Mount Battaglia, Italy

Albert H. Rooks

World War II

1942 - from Darwin to Koepang, Timor, Netherlands East Indies

Theodore Roosevelt Jr.

World War II

1944 - Normandy Invasion, France

Marion A. Ross

U.S. Civil War

1862 - Georgia, USA

Euripides Rubio

Vietnam War

1966 - Tay Ninh Province, Republic of Vietnam

Donald J. Ruhl

World War II

1945 - Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands

Unknown Soldier of Rumania

World War I

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